Have you ever had a question and didn’t know where to find the answer? If so, you’ve come to the right place.
This section is a compilation of answers to the questions most commonly asked by our constituents. Just start by following one of the links below. If you can’t find the question you wanted to ask, don’t hesitate to contact us.
When are you open?
Food Distribution occurs Monday-Wednesday from 10:30am until 2:30pm and Thursday from 1 to 5pm. We do not distribute food on Monday, Friday, and on certain holidays.
I missed my day to pick up. When can I pick up?
You can pick up your box any time after the date stamped on your sticky note.
I lost my sticky note with the date I am supposed to pick up. When can I pick up my box?
If you are a “blue” customer and pick up every two weeks, you can pick up 14 days after your last pick up date. If you are a “red” customer, you can pick up once per calendar month.
When is the next cooking class?
Cooking classes are scheduled based on our customer’s availability. To learn more about cooking classes contact Tonia at (434)-793-3663
What foods are you in need of right now?
For a list of food items you can donate, check out our Grocery Lists.
When can I drop off a food or monetary donation?
Staff are typically in the office between 8:30am and 5pm Monday-Friday to collect donations. It’s always a good idea to call the office before stopping by. If you’d like to drop off a food donation after hours, you may use our donation drop box.
My child needs to complete community service. When can they volunteer?
Community Service volunteers must first complete the Community Service Volunteer Registration Form before attending an orientation and scheduling their volunteer time.
Family Nutrition Program Cooking Classes
Can I come take a class?
The FNP is for SNAP eligible low income adults.
How long will the program last?
We will meet for 6 weeks, 1 time each week
When can I come?
Class schedules are flexible. Contact God's Storehouse for more information on schedules.
What will we learn?
We will cover 7 topics. They are:
Plan, Shop, Save (meal planning and budgeting for an easier grocery store shopping experience)
Get Moving (importance of physical activity and the daily recommendations)
Fruits and Vegetables
Make Half your Grains Whole Grains
Go Lean with Protein
Dairy (the importance and what we should be consuming)
Make a Change (fat, sugar, salt)